Monday, March 23, 2009

THe secret

it was my best friend's deepest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. I'm Bianca Dias a student at Spider pig's High School. I'm a cheerleader and I had my best friend since the 8Th grade her name is Jasmin. In 7Th grade when I meet her I didn't like her because I thought she was mean and her Friends she hang out with I didn't get along. After a while When we got to 8Th she was funny and I had my friends that talked to her and she copied me sometimes. I started to like her and then we became best friend I was coming out of cheer leading practice and Jasmin was waiting for me. "Hey" I told her "why the long face" She was quiet but I didn't pay any attention because she get like that when she has a fight with her boyfriend Jose. When I came out the bathroom she was talking on the phone. " We have to shopping" she said "why?" I said "just lets go okay". I was going into her car and then I sow that she had bruises in her arms "What happened?" "Nothing" She said. I was not in the mood to be vegging her to tell me what had happen. When we walked in I sow Jessica with Nick going down the stairs while the stairs were going up. "Hello Nick , Hey Jessica " . We were all shopping and then Jasmin said"Bianca Lets go my mom is looking for me" "Right then" . We left but instead of going home she took me to the buffet. "Why we coming here" I said and she looked scared and said"I have to talk to you" "I sow a tear coming out of her eyes . When we walked in I payed for the 2 of us and then we sat in the corner. "Okay tell me whats going onShe just looked down and said " I have to move" I was quiet " No why but tell your parents if you could stay with me or something don't move please your my best friend!!" I was going crazy what happened why is she moving I was hitting the tables and then i took out my cellphone and said " Okay I'm going to call your mom and tell" She came out and said " Bianca no that's the problem I'm not moving with them I'm moving out!" I sat down think why so i asked her "why"
"Okay this is something that I want you to know only okay" " I'm adopted" "That do sent matter" "Yea it does I don't have a family" I started to cry "Jasmin your my family your my sister" She told her mom she was going to stay sleep over and then we talked and then i did a promise not to tell anyone. She said as soon as she graduate she was moving out. Then we were going to go live together like sister. I feel proud because of me now she is not moving out.


  1. Sandra i like your work you were pretty creative with your story i like it it was one of the best ones in the cleaa im proud of you sandras keep up the good work you used and alot but otherwise awesome story

  2. Hey you used me in the story lol
    i liked it its one good secret fix some of your errors ans your paragraphs ok =]


  3. Nice story specially how you neamed your school lol..

    But fix some errors and that way people would understand your story better

  4. nice story i like the secret.. you have some creative ideas that you put in your story. but fix up your words. other wise your story is great
