Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

  1. To tell me to wash the plates
  2. When me dog keeps on bothering while I'm in sleep
  3. When there is not my size shoes
  4. When they don't let me do my work
  5. When my mom don't let me go outside
  6. When my sister want to buy the same thing as me.
  7. When I want to go to the movies and there no movies i want to see
  8. When people keep on looking at me and I'm mad
  9. When my niece whats a birthday every two weeks
  10. When me and my friends don't bring crunchy curls
  11. When my mom goes to stores and spends hours there
  12. When my phone gets lower batter
  13. When they tell me I'm wrong
  14. When my mom tell me to clean my room
  15. When my mom keeps on telling me to do something like the 5Th time
  16. When my sister goes trow my clothes
  17. When my friends keep on calling after I don't want to answer
  18. When the Novel as commercials take a long time
  19. When my friends keeps on talking about her boyfriend
  20. When my friends just don't care anymore about graduating
  21. When they call me in privet and don't say anything
  22. When there not ready in time
  23. People keep on changing there mind
  24. When my friends hit my ass really hard
  25. When Friend gets mad and we have to beg her
  26. When people tell me im married with jorge!!

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