Friday, April 24, 2009

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"

Write down your observations on this experiment
First hour: What I'm seeing is that they're eyes are getting clear and they're cheeks are
getting rose pink again and they all want more and more of this water.
Second Hour: Widow Wycherly start to act like a loose woman wanting to dance and starts to flirt with the guys. The guys start to fight.
Thirth hour: Mr.Medbourne wants to start tricking people and Mr.gascoigne only talks about political stuff. They also looked very young and made fun of old people.
Fourth hour: From all the mistakes they did when they were young I see they are repeating them. They look like in there 20's but they also think like they were 20 years old and really not.
Fifth Hour: They keep on fighting like they were young but when they see them self's in the mirror's they look old.
Last Hour: They dropped the water that makes them young for the stupid things they were doing and now they will become old. They will go look for the water in Florida and if that water come knocking on my door will not touch it because I don't want to do the same mistakes I did when I was young.

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